
Circa 2018, NYT best-selling Neil Strauss and I began looking into the missing persons case of 26-year-old Adea Shabani.

With guidance from TenderfootTV, we documented hundreds of hours of our investigation in Los Angeles and created “To Live and Die in LA”, a 12-episode podcast series which was named the Associated Press’s #1 podcast of the year. Within three months, it accumulated 15+ million downloads. A sleepless and unforgettable experience, the podcast also brought in tips that helped bring closure to the case.

Through that journey, I discovered a love for audio storytelling and it’s ablity to encourage interaction. I launched The Vespestad Company as as an independent creator, bringing an experimental approach to every project.

Collaborating with giants like Spotify, Audible, Netflix, and even Steph Curry, my work has explored diverse narratives, from uncovering a hitman's double life to unraveling NBA scandals. In 2022, I was asked to team with Australian wellness company, Beautiful Minds, the 360° immersive audio company, Spatial, and North Melbourne’s AFL Club to create Australia’s first-ever immersive sports and education program. It was a transformative experience; for the first time, participants could truly immerse themselves in my stories, not just listen to them.

Recognized as a staple of genre defining podcasts in the industry (or so I’m told), my work has been nominated for, and won Webby, Ambies, and iHeartRadio awards.

While that’s cool and all, what fills me with most pride is the privilege of being a storyteller with the opportunity to inspire, and, hopefully, make the world a bit brighter - or at least a little bit more interesting.

I currently serve as President at Tenderfoot Labs, the production services arm of TenderfootTV. I’m always on the look out for projects that are willing to try something new.

Message me through the website or through Tenderfoot Labs if you’d like to talk.

The door is open.
